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09/28/93 - Eggs and Hamsters - Who eats, and who gets eaten Letter to the Editor: Ask not for whom the bell tolls... 02/08/94 - Strawberries and Whipped Cream - Why I get wet at WPI 02/15/94 - Pencils and Jello - What's Holding This Up? 02/22/94 - Oprah and Applesauce - And now a word from our fans 03/01/94 - Moats and Chicks - What's being served today? 03/29/94 - Lists and destiny - A smile without a cat 04/19/94 - Carbonless Paper and the Swiss Alps - The healthier alternative 04/26/94 - Toasted armadillos and the jon - How to balance the budget 08/30/94 - Coke Bottle Glasses and Chicken Little - Who's running the show? 09/07/94 - Blowup Dolls and Sharp Tacks - Closed for Remodeling 09/13/94 - Anchovies in the Petrolium Jelly - How did I get into this? 09/20/94 - Fog and the Dutch - Why am I muddy? 10/04/94 - Doughnuts and The Swamp Thing - What do you want on your Tombstone? 10/11/94 - Phone Calls and Blank Walls - Has Jack Frost been nipping at your... butt? 11/01/94 - Sabotage and Sodas - The Time has Come 11/08/94 - Ticket Stubs and Drinking - What's all the rush about? 11/15/94 - Flea Bites and Lounge Acts, Don't Touch That Dial 11/22/94 - Seagulls and Parking Lots - Do you really have to take this? 12/06/94 - Marching bands and pink balloons - You're getting verrrry sleepy... 12/13/94 - Merry Christmas or Seasons Greetings - Grab a PC and take off. 01/17/95 - Cartoons and Twinkies - Who's stuffing the ballot box? 01/24/95 - Feathers and Harbor Seals - What's that thing growing on your leg?! 01/31/95 - Four-wheelers and Telephone Poles - Who's been eating YOUR porridge? 02/07/95 - Fig Leaves and Pipe Cleaners - What are you doing in here? 02/21/95 - Cappuccino and Microchips - The Good Time Eating Place 02/28/95 - Dental Floss & Diaphragms - Trouble Brewing? 03/21/95 - Tangerines and Coffee Beans - Sleepless in New Jersey 03/28/95 - Top Hats and Hopscotch - Your one-stop bait and tackle store 04/11/95 - Spandex and Harsh Abrasives - We don't do Windows 04/18/95 - Paper Bags and Sharp Sticks - What flavor would you like? 04/25/95 - Sponge Cake and Mrs. Butterworth - Some settling may occur during shipping 08/19/95 - Aardvarks and Toothpicks - Here's looking at you, kid. 08/29/95 - Pop Rocks and Oral Sex - Please watch your step 09/06/95 - Laserdisks and Fallen Angels - Who finished off the milk?! 09/12/95 - Cheez-Its and Deep Sea Fishing - Parrish the Thought 09/26/95 - Napkin Roses and Freckles - Nice guys read Dr. Seuss 10/03/95 - Laser Sights and Goats - Sorry, Worcester Joke... 10/10/95 - Cockroaches and Sack Fights - I'm sorry, my dentures must have slipped 10/31/95 - Paper Clips and Vegetarians - Do Whatever the Little Voices Tell You To Do 11/07/95 - Peanut Butter and Mel Tormei - Hey, Who Used All the Hot Water?! 11/14/95 - Hot Fudge and Cold Guns - Excuse me, there's a fly in my soup. 11/21/95 - Dairy Cows and a 6-Foot Threaded Rod - Kiss Me I'm Irish 12/05/95 - VCRs and Cannolies - Just point, click, and ship. 12/12/95 - Thick Socks and Bubble Baths - Sorry, Virginia... 01/16/96 - Shoehorns and a Pleasant Wedge - 'Nuff snow fer ya? 01/23/96 - Harsh Words and Sun Spots - The Gompei Chronicles 02/13/96 - Silly String and Lois Lane - Sounds Like a Title to Me 04/23/96 - Pickles and Pizza - No, no, no. He's just... pining... 04/22/97 - Natural Oils and Stolen Ideas - There's a Buddha on my Monitor 01/30/01 - Strained Peas and Intellectual Property - We Didn't Expect the Spanish Inquisition! 02/06/01 - Squirrels and Party Favors - Hey, babe, what's your sign? 02/13/01 - Charlie Sheen and Bean Paste - Anybody know what happened to the cat? 02/20/01 - Peaches and Spiny Chameleons - Did I leave the branding iron on? Toasts and Shaving Cream - If you're the best man, why are you going stag? 09/04/01 - Boxers and Radishes - I want a standing ovation! 11/13/01 - Sardines and Diamondbacks - We agree to pause and rant |
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Pickles and Pizza - No, no, no. He's just... pining...Yes, we're alive and well in Worcester. We thank you for your e-mail of concern for our well being. (Even Laurel's mom asked what happened to Philler.) For those of you who have been wondering what's been happening with our articles these past few months while having to resort to reading the Police Log for entertainment... Well, we could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you. The rumors you may have heard concerning us, bronze goats, the British Police, and George Burns have been blown completely out of proportion, and we assure you that nothing remotely like that happened. What we can tell you, however, is that you're reading Philler now, and when we find out what happened to those "Lost Philler Episodes" we'll be sure to have a TV special. Deal? Hey gals, where were you this week? Your articles are usually the only things in Newspeak that I read on Tuesdays and I truly missed you this week. Well, I'm sure you were catching up with your bronze barnyard friend or getting resident handymen Ed Parrish and Al Sacco involved in some head-to-head competition, right? Anyways, I'm writing to you about restrooms. Specifically one on the first floor of Goddard Hall. Now this is a men's room ladies, but I'm asking you to be brave and go in there. Do you notice the pictures of flowers on the wall? (Did I just imagine them there, oh dear. . .what if someone takes them down before you get there, anyways. . .) Isn't there something strange about this? I figure that this is either a misguided attempt to beautify the campus, a christmas gift that someone didn't like but thought would be just perfect in the men's room, or a study on the feminine side of males. Anyways, I decided to report this to you as you are, more or less, the investigative branch of Newspeak.
thanx for being there,
Dear Brian, Thank you for your letter. We missed you too. Unfortunately all evidence of the flowers have parrished since you sent your letter to us. According to the campus map we found in the bottom of our Philler Philes, it seems that Goddard is way over on the other side of WPI's campus, and sadly, we didn't make it in time. Luckily, sneaking into the men's room was no problem for either of us, since, of course, our real-life counterparts are male. How long have you known us Bri? First, on the subject of the S96 sticker, mine is perfectly aligned (maybe a nanometer or so off), and it was applied by the same guy as everyone else's. Maybe he denotes the people he doesn't like with a crooked sticker. Next, does it matter if you make any changes to any information on the green and white form you fill out for registration? I corrected my middle name (Michael, not Michel) twice so far, yet the high-and-mighty-people-in-charge-of-figuring-out-who-you-are still can't get it right. I feel that my rights are being violated, and would like to see justice. -Matthew Michael Lug Dear Matthew Michelle Lug, We at Philler think it's horrible that your official records read Michel rather than Mitchel. Hopefully you'll get this fixed before you end up graduating and it's not even you that graduated, because it's some Matthewe Michalo Lug guy. Our S96 stickers were perfectly aligned, so I know we have a friend in Boynton. We will talk to the people over there for you personally and make sure that they change your name to the correct spelling of "Micheas" so you can rest easier at night. It's the least we can do. Another year is over. It's finally spring, and there will be no more snow as long as we have our say. It will be a nippy day in Denny's before we get another snow storm in a non-winter month by kracky. Oh, um, anyhow... Last year at this time, we wrote an article and said that this was the last article. Well, this year we're going to say it again. (At least we're consistent.) If something strikes us as incredibly important to the WPI community in the future, (such as a professor giving birth to a full grown Elvis, for instance) we may write an article about it, but for the most part, we're not writing Philler next year, and we'll stick to it better than a peanutbuttered cat in a lawnmower. In the past few years we've written articles covering an incredible amount of things that have happened (or kind of happened (or not really happened)) around campus. We still want some sort of system where the mailroom can notify your dorm room the second you get a letter, but in general, we're content with the results of our introduction of new ideas and harassing of people in our articles. We've even been notified that people in ES3601 this term could get extra credit points on an exam if they knew a bit of WPI trivia that just happened to appear in Philler. It's this type of legacy we'd like to leave in a place we've spent so much time and money. We'd like to say that we were single-handedly responsible for getting Burger King in the wedge next year, but DAKA helped a little bit with that. Just a little. They nixed the "Philler's Burger King" idea, but we'll still give them a bit of credit... We'd like to thank all of our fans: The people who have written to us and have waited weeks to get their Philler Phan Club certificate, the people who have pointed out funny things to us in Philler when they didn't know we wrote it, our friends who have had to nod and smile and pretend they like reading our articles, and of course the girls a few months ago in the Sole Proprietor parking lot who yelled up to our apartment, "Nice Hat!" while we were writing one of our articles. We would really like to thank the departments who have put up with us over the years (read Plant Services, DAKA, and WPI Police)... but we're sorry, you just do silly things sometimes... Have fun, don't let the bed bugs bite, take care, never sleep with someone crazier than yourself, always chew your food 50-100 times before swallowing, smile at strangers, peace, love, and cows. -L & G P.S. We will still accept e-mail sent to newspeak@wpi.edu, and chocolate and home made cookies and any other food items or presents are always welcome. Just drop them off at the Newspeak office, put our name on it, and make sure it doesn't look like anything good so those sneaky editors don't nibble on our presents before we come to pick them up. OK, bye-bye now... P.P.S. Remember: When - the - going - gets - tough, - the - tough - get - a - large - sack - of - jelly - beans - (all - blacks - ones, - of - course) - stuffed - over - their - heads - by - a - transcendental - pack - of - meta-transformed - weasels - slavering - after - the - existential - remains - of - non-linear - life... with - a - toothbrush; - a - red - one. (W. T. G. G. T. T. T. G. A. L. S. O. J. B. (. A. B. O. O. C. ). S. O. T. H. B. A. T. P. O. M. T. W.S. A. T. E. R. O. N. L. L. W. A. T. A. R. O.) Send your thoughts, observations, and questions to us at philler@philler.com... |