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09/28/93 - Eggs and Hamsters - Who eats, and who gets eaten Letter to the Editor: Ask not for whom the bell tolls... 02/08/94 - Strawberries and Whipped Cream - Why I get wet at WPI 02/15/94 - Pencils and Jello - What's Holding This Up? 02/22/94 - Oprah and Applesauce - And now a word from our fans 03/01/94 - Moats and Chicks - What's being served today? 03/29/94 - Lists and destiny - A smile without a cat 04/19/94 - Carbonless Paper and the Swiss Alps - The healthier alternative 04/26/94 - Toasted armadillos and the jon - How to balance the budget 08/30/94 - Coke Bottle Glasses and Chicken Little - Who's running the show? 09/07/94 - Blowup Dolls and Sharp Tacks - Closed for Remodeling 09/13/94 - Anchovies in the Petrolium Jelly - How did I get into this? 09/20/94 - Fog and the Dutch - Why am I muddy? 10/04/94 - Doughnuts and The Swamp Thing - What do you want on your Tombstone? 10/11/94 - Phone Calls and Blank Walls - Has Jack Frost been nipping at your... butt? 11/01/94 - Sabotage and Sodas - The Time has Come 11/08/94 - Ticket Stubs and Drinking - What's all the rush about? 11/15/94 - Flea Bites and Lounge Acts, Don't Touch That Dial 11/22/94 - Seagulls and Parking Lots - Do you really have to take this? 12/06/94 - Marching bands and pink balloons - You're getting verrrry sleepy... 12/13/94 - Merry Christmas or Seasons Greetings - Grab a PC and take off. 01/17/95 - Cartoons and Twinkies - Who's stuffing the ballot box? 01/24/95 - Feathers and Harbor Seals - What's that thing growing on your leg?! 01/31/95 - Four-wheelers and Telephone Poles - Who's been eating YOUR porridge? 02/07/95 - Fig Leaves and Pipe Cleaners - What are you doing in here? 02/21/95 - Cappuccino and Microchips - The Good Time Eating Place 02/28/95 - Dental Floss & Diaphragms - Trouble Brewing? 03/21/95 - Tangerines and Coffee Beans - Sleepless in New Jersey 03/28/95 - Top Hats and Hopscotch - Your one-stop bait and tackle store 04/11/95 - Spandex and Harsh Abrasives - We don't do Windows 04/18/95 - Paper Bags and Sharp Sticks - What flavor would you like? 04/25/95 - Sponge Cake and Mrs. Butterworth - Some settling may occur during shipping 08/19/95 - Aardvarks and Toothpicks - Here's looking at you, kid. 08/29/95 - Pop Rocks and Oral Sex - Please watch your step 09/06/95 - Laserdisks and Fallen Angels - Who finished off the milk?! 09/12/95 - Cheez-Its and Deep Sea Fishing - Parrish the Thought 09/26/95 - Napkin Roses and Freckles - Nice guys read Dr. Seuss 10/03/95 - Laser Sights and Goats - Sorry, Worcester Joke... 10/10/95 - Cockroaches and Sack Fights - I'm sorry, my dentures must have slipped 10/31/95 - Paper Clips and Vegetarians - Do Whatever the Little Voices Tell You To Do 11/07/95 - Peanut Butter and Mel Tormei - Hey, Who Used All the Hot Water?! 11/14/95 - Hot Fudge and Cold Guns - Excuse me, there's a fly in my soup. 11/21/95 - Dairy Cows and a 6-Foot Threaded Rod - Kiss Me I'm Irish 12/05/95 - VCRs and Cannolies - Just point, click, and ship. 12/12/95 - Thick Socks and Bubble Baths - Sorry, Virginia... 01/16/96 - Shoehorns and a Pleasant Wedge - 'Nuff snow fer ya? 01/23/96 - Harsh Words and Sun Spots - The Gompei Chronicles 02/13/96 - Silly String and Lois Lane - Sounds Like a Title to Me 04/23/96 - Pickles and Pizza - No, no, no. He's just... pining... 04/22/97 - Natural Oils and Stolen Ideas - There's a Buddha on my Monitor 01/30/01 - Strained Peas and Intellectual Property - We Didn't Expect the Spanish Inquisition! 02/06/01 - Squirrels and Party Favors - Hey, babe, what's your sign? 02/13/01 - Charlie Sheen and Bean Paste - Anybody know what happened to the cat? 02/20/01 - Peaches and Spiny Chameleons - Did I leave the branding iron on? Toasts and Shaving Cream - If you're the best man, why are you going stag? 09/04/01 - Boxers and Radishes - I want a standing ovation! 11/13/01 - Sardines and Diamondbacks - We agree to pause and rant |
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Napkin Roses and Freckles - Nice guys read Dr. SeussWell folks, it's that time of the year again. That's right, the last Philler of September. As everyone knows, in this particular issue, we write about the same types of things that we normally do. For those of you keeping score at home, we aren't eating anything while writing this article. When WPI wants to block a road, they block a road. Long thick chains stretched across the road denying access to any vehicle (unless they have the key). Chains held in place with four massive pillars cemented in place. Pillars made of granite, that strong stone which they make tombstones out of because it lasts forever. (You know, they should make mountains out of that stuff because... Oh... Really? Oh... Scratch that.) That same kind of stone that lasted a couple of weeks on the WPI campus before one of the pillars crumbled... That same kind of stone and steel barricade which had a section replaced by a whole bunch of those quick and dirty yellow wood barricades faster than a cheetah being chased by eleven crazed chipmunks. Another one of those ominous granite barricades has now been set to replace the short lived crumbly one. We wish it luck. Speaking of crazed chipmunks, has anyone else noticed the abundance of wildlife on the stretch of land we like to call campus? Sure, there is the ominously large squirrel population which has been common in recent years, but other furry friends/fiends are making their way to WPI. It's becoming frighteningly common for people wandering around campus late at night to see the resident skunk. No, no, no, a real skunk. Like Pepé, 'cept no one's reported hearing him speak French yet... Laurel's seen him several times wandering in front of Higgins. There has also been a red-tailed hawk flying in front of Boynton, a raccoon around Skull Tomb, and of course Riley bugs. (yet another) PHILLER CONTEST! It's easy: Send in your vote for a name to bestow upon our resident skunk. Obviously, whatever name we like best will be picked. We're sick of the traditional random-choice-out-of-a-hat thingy... Is Plant Services releasing wildlife around campus to make the atmosphere more "enjoyable?" Have these animals escaped from a music lab on campus somewhere? What's the sound of one hand slapping? We don't know! (DAKA staff can breathe a sigh of relief here. We aren't going to pick on you in this segment.) If anyone knows of purposeful wildlife population on campus (holding back strong urge to make tacky comment here) please write to us here at Philler. Hi. Just a little something I thought you guys might be interested in. I was in the ADP lab the other day, using the machine named Cyclops. As I was typing, I looked down and noticed that the keyboard had two Js, but no U. Luckily, I know how to type, so I avoided looking at the keyboard and becoming confused. But, for someone who does not know how to type, this could be a potential catastrophe. Is this some kind of conspiracy against non-typers? Hopefully you two can get to the bottom of this! Sincerely, A Concerned Lab User Well, our staff (read "us") ventured into the basement level of Fuller Labs to seek out this... Cyclops; this... menace to beginning typers; this... keyboard.
We're sorry to say, we're sad to report, there was no keyboard at all of this sort. [At this point, Guinevere shakes Laurel violently until he snaps out of rhyming mode.] We here at Philler don't often openly endorse... Well, we guess we do. (Housing lottery, sand castle building contest at QuadFest, our former radio show, pygmy marmoset jello wrestling, etc.) What we're trying to endorse here without getting in trouble for rampant commercialism, is Friday night's speaker: James Burke. This guy is the coolest thing since microwave hair-styles. We watch his show on cable, Connections^2, where he makes the most obscure and frightening connections between seemingly disparate bits o' history. But don't take our really poor explanation for it - grab some free tickets from the SocComm office and be there! You won't regret it. (Well, maybe if you get hit by a speeding pickled cow on the way over there. Then if you regret it, it's ok. Don't blame us, though. Consider this your warning...) 'K, bye. Quote for the week: A Freudian slip is where you say one thing, and mean your mother. I mean, another. Send your thoughts, observations, and questions to us at philler@philler.com... |