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Phan Club

The following people have had their letters published in Philler and therefore are official PPC members. Want to be a Philler Phan Club member? Send us a question that's puzzling you, or an observation you want to hear our view on to This list is definitely in no particular order.

 NameArticles We Mentioned Them In (A.W.M.T.I.)
1.Michael Sherman10/12/1993
2.Brian D. Pothier11/15/199410/31/1995
3.Henry Gabryjelski04/25/1995
4.Stephanie I. Gagne11/01/1994
5.Robert-Sean Patrick Harley02/13/2001
6.James Eric Lagrant10/11/1994
7.Christine Jesensky02/22/199404/11/1995
8.Jason Scott Anderson04/18/1995
9.Timothy John Wilde02/06/2001
10.Kari Elise Blinn09/20/1994
11.David Michael Koelle02/07/199504/25/199501/16/1996
12.Kristen Ladner (Greene) †††02/28/199508/29/199509/26/199501/16/199602/06/2001
13.Daniel Jose Lorente
14.Jeffrey Montigney02/22/1994
15.Troy Bret Thompson **01/24/1995
16.Ellis H. Bougiouris11/22/1994
17.Nick Conti02/22/199403/29/199401/24/1995
18.Jason Peter Mickey †04/11/1995
19.David Alan Rothgery02/28/1995
20.Michelle C. Prudente11/01/1994
21.Daniel Parker Hartman12/06/1994
22.Matthew Michael Lug04/23/199602/13/2001
23.Edward A. Parrish09/12/1995
24.Franklin P. Muckley, Jr. ††04/25/1995
25.Brian Thomas Parker01/31/199509/06/199511/07/1995
26.Amy Lynne Marr (Plack)09/13/199402/07/199503/21/199504/11/1995
27.Erica Ann Curran02/07/1995
28.David Kurt Spencer04/18/199504/25/1995
29.Bob Mason02/07/1995
30.Jami Beth Walsh ***02/21/199511/14/1995
31.Thomas Gerhard Seidenberg11/08/1994
32.Wes Jones ††
33.Patrick Thomas Delahanty11/15/199403/28/1995
34.Eduardo M. A. Oliveira10/03/1995
35.Catherine A. Raposa02/06/2001
36.Dennis Wayne Jackson03/21/1995
37.Nicholas Joseph Mollo03/21/1995
38.Jeffrey Alan Alderson10/03/1995
39.Alan W. Head09/06/1995
40.Gregory R. Snow †04/11/1995
41.John Gibeau02/21/1995
42.Edward John Cameron †††10/03/199512/05/1995
43.Michelle R. Vadeboncoeur09/20/199412/06/1994
44.Jennifer Ann Johnson10/31/1995
45.Craig James Howitt †02/28/1995
46.Denise A. Hewson10/11/1994
47.Kirsty E. Reidy02/28/1995
48.John Lott Brown **01/24/1995

If you have a certificate and we've missed you on this list, sorry. It was generated late at night as with everything else related to this column. Just send us a letter and we'll put you on here. If you have your own homepage, write to us, and we'll link your name to it too.

Send your thoughts, observations, and questions to us at